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I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
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What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday, Oct. 04, 2005
6:21 P.M.

A wise man once said, "The hardest thing about love is loving someone and having the courage to let them love you back"
Is it true love?
Who knows?
Kitty is hardly around for me to even try to measure his love, yet I still consider sticking with him to find out. We don�t have a technical anniversary; then again, we�re not married.
"Sweetest Day" is quickly approaching on October 16th. I had never heard of it until I started listening to "couples" talk about their future plans for the month. I
I would have expected to hear about Halloween, or Thanksgiving, but NOT Sweetest Day.
It sounds like another poor attempt to make the "single" fold feel guilty for being selfish enough to go it alone.
Now I've got to figure out what the heck to get Kitty for Sweetest Day, 9 days before his 34th birthday. Maybe I could take him out to his favorite restaurant, even though I absolutely DETEST the food they serve there.
For those who are curious about "Sweetest Day" and it's origin read below.

This year Sweetest Day is Saturday October 16. For you folks that didn�t grow up in the Midwest and aren�t that familiar with this special holiday, it began over 60 years ago during the depression years. A gentleman in Ohio began giving small tokens of friendship to the homeless, the orphans and others who needed a bit of kindness to help make it through a very turbulent time. Over the years Sweetest Day has evolved into a romantic holiday where lovers exchange cards and tokens of affection. Sweetest day is always celebrated the 3rd Saturday in October. Many people exchange Sweetest Day Gifts on this special day.

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