
fightn4life - 2005-11-11 23:26:59
I loved visiting your site you have a great diary. Your grandpa is a wise man I can feel the admiration you have for him. Your up and down moods, headaches, and such put me in mind of what I am dealing with now. Head injury will do that to the brain I suppose. Loved your entry today and read it a couple of times just to be sure what I was reading was connecting with my disconnected mind. Thanks for leaving a note, I will be back to visit your site as I looked at some of your past entries and was very intrigued. Sandyz
art - 2005-11-11 23:43:12
i dont like this idea of other people interfering with your job! what i think is that you should goto the boss and tell him whats up, and see what he does! if he dont improve things for ya, its time to find another job. after all HE hired you because you are qualified for the job he expects you do do, not "the team". i never liked this "team" concept these days. people thinking that you are out for thier job, and so on... think of the serenity prayer: god, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference. i hope that you find relief for your medical problems soon!

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