- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Nov. 06, 2006
6:10 P.M.

He finally wrote back!
Not an actual letter, but in an instant message.
I was sitting there working on my computer and then out of the blue, �Bla-ding!� The instant message hit me like a ton of bricks!
I read the name of the person sending the message and my heart started racing. I felt my heart sink into my stomach, and as the conversation carried on and on I felt my heart flutter faster and I started to feel light as a feather.
I felt as if my body was lifted 10 feet off the ground!
The more and more we talk, the more and more I look forward to seeing him again.
We�ve agreed to meet up in person tonight.....Because I leave for a business trip next week. Now time starts to pass by at the speed of sludge.
I can�t wait to see him!
He told me that it feels like we never lost touch, and all the positive energy has come back.
I couldn�t agree more!
My heart is racing and I can�t focus on anything but the thought of running over to him to give him a great big bear-hug tonight!

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