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I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Feb. 13, 2006
7:32 P.M.

These past few weeks have been�.
H-E-Double Hockey Sticks�..
For a girl who lives to eat, I found myself hardly eating to live. It was torture in so many ways.
Each time I tried to eat or drink something I felt it travel through my body as my muscles clenched in excruciating pain.
As my body tried to digest, I felt like I had piranhas devouring my insides!
Last Monday I thought I was beginning to get better but Wednesday I landed myself back in the hospital for MORE tests!
Apparently I developed a bit of an infection after the surgery, which landed me in a LOT of pain! I haven�t been able to eat, sleep or sit up comfortably for 3 weeks!
The doctor says it could be any number of things and we�re still trying to rule out cancer or gallstones.
I was in and back out of work like a light switch turning off and on again!
My doctor put me on more pain meds and some strong antibiotics. I slept a lot over the weekend and ate very little. I think I�ve finally managed to get a little more control over the pain that has been plaguing me lately.
With my head in a daze, coming off of the painkillers, I crawled back to work today. Surprisingly I made it through the day without having to reload on my pain meds.
I think the medication has fixed what was killing my insides.
Although I�m in less pain, I still have my fingers crossed. The past scans have picked up some unexpected suspicious areas and I�m a little nervous about the steps to come.
I have more tests and a biopsy on Wednesday morning to try to rule out any further surgeries.
I�m hoping and praying all goes well.

Not all is so bad.
I am finally back at work and my boss mentioned he may give us Monday off of work. I was thinking about maybe taking a short road trip to live a little.

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