- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Jan. 12, 2006
6:13 A.M.

I've done it.
I've finally done it!
I went out and joined a gym last night and tried out my first 45-minute work out.
I can't honestly say that I enjoyed it because I've now proved to myself and anyone watching me at the gym that I am officially OUT OF SHAPE!
I mean come on now...
I finished a 30-minute bike ride and felt like I would die before making it home to the shower.
I woke up this morning feeling like my body was moving at the speed of sludge....
I think I may try getting up early in the morning to go to the gym to combat this minor side effect.

I've also come to another sad realization.
Hot dogs are bad for you...
As if I didn't know this already, but for the longest time I never even wanted to know WHY they are so harmful.
Well, apparently they cause CANCER!
I read this article this morning that said,
"Many foods, especially cured meats such as bacon and hot dogs, use nitrates to preserve color and maintain microbial safety. Nitrate is harmless, but it can convert to nitrite, which can form nitrosamines, a powerful cancer-causing chemical, in your body. Whenever possible, look for nitrate-free preserved meats. When you do eat foods containing nitrates, have a glass of orange juice at the same time (for instance, orange juice with your morning bacon). Vitamin C is known to inhibit the conversion to nitrosamines in your stomach".

So time to load up on that Vitamin C on Saturday when I know I'm headed out to grab a "Chicago Dog" pilled high with all the fixings!

Maybe my newfound knowledge will help me feel better more often?

There were a bunch of other foods mentioned in the article that would have negative effects on the body, but I've already done well avoiding them.
As soon as I saw the warning on a package that said, "May Cause Anal Leakage" I avoided it like the plague!
Who the hell WANTS "Anal Leakage"?

I can't wait to start the weekend! I've got some plans to meet up with old friends and go dancing!

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