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I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Dec. 18, 2005
4:11 P.M.

The annual Christmas party was a huge success last night. It was so great seeing all those familiar faces, along with a few new ones. Not all of the invites showed up, but things turned out for the best in the end. I honestly don't know where I would have actually put 20-30 more people.
We had so much fun. I couldn�t have planned things to go any better. For the first time I was hesitant to ask everyone to leave. It was so great to bring together so many great people and I know it�s not likely it will happen again before next Christmas. We all talk about getting together and everyone made suggestions for me to put together another party, but I just don�t see it all coming together so perfect again for a while. We all have separate schedules now and with time most of us have grown further apart.
In the coming weeks we�ve all made plans to try to get together for some �every day things�. I hope it all works out.
Michael John mentioned we�ll be going ice skating, Kristina says she�ll put together a large camping trip for the spring and Jen suggested we get together for lunch soon because her new office is only a hop, skip, and a jump away from my new digs.
I woke up exhausted and spent, but this feeling was worth it in the end.
As much as I�d like to do this again next year, I honestly don�t see it happening.
Mom insisted that we had the party at her place and now she�s pretty upset because Lauren ruined moms' new tile work in the kitchen last night when she spilled and splashed her red wine. Mom has tried using Oxyclean, Bleach and everything she can get her hands on to get rid of the stains in the grout and it looks like she�ll have to go and regrout the 4x5 ft section of the kitchen that was demolished.
In addition to mom�s screwed up floor the kids had spilt a drink in moms� computer keyboard and this morning when she tried to go onto the internet to check her mail the keyboard didn�t work at all. Apparently all of the keys were stuck together and everything she tried just isn�t going to get the mess taken care of. I never knew keyboards were so finicky.
I tried to make amends this morning and spent the rest of my Christmas bonus to try to fix the kitchen and replace her broken keyboard.
I spent days and days planning this event and it turned out great. I'm almost broke and have no idea how I�m going to put Christmas dinner on the table, but part of me doesn�t care at this point.
I got everyone in the same room all at once last night and got some great photo�s and memories from the whole event. It was absolutely amazing.
Kitty was bent out of shape this morning because he�s not going to have money for Christmas presents this year. All of a sudden I am reminded again of how thankful I am to have such a great job that had given me a Christmas bonus so I could go out and get a few gifts for some of my friends.

I received some great gifts myself last night. I�d have to say the best gift came from Troy. He gave me a safe with ONLY ONE KEY,where I can keep all of my �Private� things private. It was the most thoughtful gift I�ve ever received. Apparently he got the idea after we had a conversation where I was venting about how much I truly hate living with roomies. They just don't seem to respect my space or my things that they constantly borrow and ruin. Forget apologies. They shrug it all off in the end because they don�t own anything they hold precious. On a side note, I can�t wait until this freaking lease is up and I can go back to living ON MY OWN!!

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