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Thursday, Dec. 08, 2005
9:02 A.M.

I�m totally psyched about 2006! It's going to be a great year!
There is so much to look forward to.

1. I will have friends in from out of town to celebrate the New Year with!
2. I�m looking into taking my insurance test to get licensed.
3. After I get licensed I�m going back to take a couple classes to finish my bachelors
4. My sister is getting married in May 2006! To a guy that totally completes her
5. One of my best friends, Missy,is also tying the knot, fall 2006!
6. I will finally get back to life on my own, without roommates!
7. My cousins are coming to visit
8. I will open up a 401k and an IRA
9. Goo Goo dolls will be touring to promote their new release in 2006! (I have to take my sister to this one! She�s going to love it!)
10. Royale and Justin will be having their wedding ceremony in September of 2006!
11. I will start a new part-time job (One or two days a month) to help me reach my goals
12. I plan to visit Chicago again (At least once!)
13. I will start fresh in a new office with the same great staff I�ve worked with for the past 2+ years!
14. I will learn to cook something more than Mac-n-cheese
15. I will work out 3 times a week for a few months to help improve my health (I�m not dead YET)

And then there are a few things that I HOPE to do.

1. I want to finally get the surgery I needed to fix my sinuses since they got so screwed up in the accident 5-31-04
2. I want to be able to put a down payment on a condo, house or town home of my own
3. I want to pay off some more credit card debt
4. I'd love to take a trip out to LA to visit some friends and maybe make a stop in Vegas!
5. I'll try to finish the book I started to write many, many moons ago!
6. I'd like to see the musical �WICKED�
7. I'll try to see Fiona Apple in concert when she comes to town with Cold Play
8. I want to take a dance class
9. It would be great to pay off my car loan
10. And Finally, I'd love to become even MORE independent than I've ever been in the past!

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