- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Dec. 04, 2005
7:38 P.M.

Kitty is graduating this week. I can't believe those two years have so quickly come and gone.
Although I feel like I don't see him much between his job and school, I'm very proud of him. He's accomplished quite a bit. I'm so happy for him.
It's already December and so much has changed this past year. I've learned a lot about living with other people. I know for a fact, I don't want to do it again until I plan on getting married.
We're half way through our 12-month lease in this place, and there are only 6 months to go. Part of me wishes we were finished living together. I've found stress in places I never knew could exist.
I'm pretty sure all 3 of us will go our separate ways come June. Royale with the police academy and her school, and Kitty with his career and school. I haven't seen him much these past few semesters and the relationship has become more and more one-sided. I don't know how he feels anymore because even when we're together he seems focused on the things he has to accomplish when he leaves again. It's as if he can't even be "in the moment" and enjoy himself around me anymore.
I can't say that I regret sticking it out here because I've never done it before and I guess you have to learn some day.
I just hope God has a plan for me where I can find happiness and have a reciprocal relationship with someone again.
As for my day-to-day life, things seem to be going well with the career. I stay busy. I'll keep my head down and work as much as I can to get through the busy tax season.
Last week I was so happy to be part of our annual company event. I felt I had purpose again. I can see that the company is growing in leaps and bounds and I'm happy to be part of its evolution. I'm more focused than ever and hope to make some positive changes in my life with the coming new year.
I wanted to head back to finish a few classes for my bachelors, but I think that if I start applying for financial aid now, I can enroll in the spring semester.
I'll be on my own again in the spring and I'll need to occupy my time with something new and amazing.
I also want to avidly start saving for a down payment on a home next year. I need something tangible to look back on to remind me that I have accomplished something since high school.
The holidays are quickly approaching and I'm happy to say that I'm almost done Christmas shopping. I'm so glad to get it all out of the way. I hate having to step into the malls this time of year.
Overall, the weekend was blah! I think I'll hit the hay early tonight to get a fresh start in the morning.

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