- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Aug. 25, 2005
9:47 A.M.

I had a day from hell that I figured ONLY HAPPENED I N THE MOVIES. It all started last night when I lost my wallet.
I transferred my debit card and license, along with my cash to a smaller wallet so I could just put it in my back pocket while I was grocery shopping. I was at the grocery store and some creepy old man kept following me down the isles as I was shopping. I thought he was talking to himself and I tried to ignore him. By the time I made it to the check out counter I had thought I lost him, but as soon as I started to walk the groceries outside, I noticed that he was still following me. I had left one small bag in my cart as I walked it back to return it to the storefront. I was in such a hurry to escape the creepy old man, that I left my wallet in my cart. After walking back and sitting in my car for about a minute I realized I left a bag in the cart and went back to get it.
All night I looked for my wallet and didn�t find anything.
So I got up this morning and went to the bank to cancel my debit card. The guy behind the counter said he couldn�t help me close the account because I didn�t have any photo ID.
I DIDN�T HAVE ANY PHOTO ID BECAUSE IT�S SOMEWHERE WITH MY FREAKING DEBIT CARD!!! And someone could have been spending the rest of my rent money.
Already an hour late for work, I went over to the DMV to get a new license so I could cancel my debit card. I waited for 20 minutes to get a ticket, just so I could wait in ANOTHER LINE to get my picture taken. The camera they were using was broken!
While I was in the waiting room some old man kept announcing to the people in the waiting room that there was a WHITE car that had rolled out of it�s parking spot in the parking lot. I thought nothing of it but the more time that went by, the more people were talking about this car that had rolled in the parking lot. I glanced out to see what all the commotion was about and there was a group of people standing around a car that had rolled out of it�s spot and onto the sidewalk.
I went out and to move it and noticed that the parking break was pulled all the way up, but had failed. The slight incline of the road took the car into another empty parking spot on the opposite side of the road. I moved my car back into a parking spot that wasn�t on a hill and left it in gear so that it wouldn�t roll again.
After moving my car a cop came up to me and screamed in my face!
I had already been through enough.
He accused me of being careless and chastised me for about 10 minutes on driving safety, as he rattled off a long list of things that COULD HAVE HAPPENED. But those things he mentioned DID NOT happen. My car rolled about 10 feet and the small word of the DMV seemed to be in a total panic. Only one tire even touched the sidewalk!
The parking break failed! I will get it checked assholes!
By the time I got back inside to take my picture there was only one place to sit. When I sat down, every old fart felt it was necessary to give me their two cents on WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED.
�Your car could have rolled out into traffic�
NOT fucking likely old man!
There are concrete curbs that protect cars from ROLLING out into the middle of traffic.
I heard at least 5 old farts complain that they �could have been run over�
I chuckled at an old man giving unsolicited advice and he accused me of being disrespectful.
I couldn�t help it. After hearing the same comments come from 5 different people, I just lost it. I wanted to scream. My nerves were fried! It was either laugh, or punch the ass bag in his face!
The car was moving at the SPEED OF SLUDGE, and even with the assistance of a walker, anyone would have been able to move out of the way in time.
No one was hurt. There was no damage done, but in this small town there isn�t much to do other than complain about freak accidents.
After going through hell at the DMV I still had to go back to the bank to get my debit card cancelled.
There is no way I will get a new one in time to go to NYC so I�m pretty much screwed.
I went into work late but the day still seemed to drag on and on.
When it was time to go home I didn�t want to go. I was afraid the freaky old man may have found my license and followed me home. I didn�t want to be there until Kitty came home so I went to see my parents for a while. We went out for pizza and as we were eating I told them the story about what I had been through and as I was telling it I started to loosen up a bit more. It�s in the past, and now I�m able to laugh at the situation.
How many times do you see a freak accident where no one gets hurt?
It could have been worse.

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