- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005
11:41 P.M.

Talk about a crazy night. It started out nice.

Kitty and I went out for dinner at THE MELTING POT to celebrate his promotion at work and just before dessert I started to have chest pains. The more time that went by, the more intense the pain became. We rushed over to the store and bought some aspirin and we went straight home. After about an hour and a half of intense bursting pain Kitty, Royale and Justin convinced me it was time to go to the E.R.
I really didn�t want to go spend the night in the hospital, but when Justin threatened to call 911 if I wouldn�t go to the hospital, I decided to just go.
From there I spent the night in a hospital bed. They hooked me up to a bunch of machines and the doctor ordered some blood work to try to determine whether or not I had a heart attack.
It turns out that after sitting in a hospital all night they were able to determine that I did NOT have a heart attack, but they aren�t certain what it could have been.
I�m supposed to stay in bed until Monday and see my doctor first thing Monday morning to follow up.
Even after I came home I still felt like shit. I feel like I�ve been hit by a bus. I just cant� seem to get my energy back. I try to fake that I�m feeling well but it�s exhausting. I have to sit and fake it because standing just makes me dizzy.
Today I went against the doctors� orders and went to my sister�s bridal shower. It was a memorable experience.
After a couple hours of social time I ventured back home and went back to bed.
Mom wants me up early again in the morning to meet the family for breakfast but I don�t honestly feel up to it.
I hope to spend the day in bed so I can go back to work on Monday.
I don�t want to miss any work because I�d like to save my time off for our big trip to NYC in September.

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