- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Friday, Jul. 29, 2005
2:58 P.M.

I�m so excited to take this trip to NYC. There is so much I want to see up there. I only hope that 5 days is going to be enough time to catch everything. I had an epiphany this morning after having a long conversation with grandma last night. We talked for a long while about a lot of things and she gave me some advice that provided much needed motivation. It�s amazing how much influence she still has on me. She could say something as simple as, �Keep your chin up kid. Everything happens for a reason.� And it means so much more coming from her. She has a knack for pointing out the obvious and snapping me out of a funk. She makes me realize that no matter how Sh*tty I feel about a certain situation, I can never know what other people who are involved are thinking. I don�t know it all about any one subject and I�m continuously learning something new.
I remember back when I lost my grandfather and I didn�t want to get out of bed to go to college. My grandma would continuously remind me that she didn�t care what I did with my life as long as I finished school. She said it was something that my grandfather talked a lot about and he would have wanted me to finish. He was a real big stickler on finishing something you start, and doing it right the first time. It was difficult to push through when I was grieving, but I did it.
Now grandma reminds me to push on again when the walls seem to cave in around me. I�m hoping to find something inspiring in New York while I am there in September.
This morning when I got out of bed, I was actually prepared for what ever chaos danced its way into my schedule. I figure I�m still young, and have a lot to learn. If I knew it all I wouldn�t have a reason to get out of bed.
On the other hand I DO hope Kitty and I can manage to get along a little better. I�m tired of bickering over stupid things. He was supposed to make reservations at a restaurant for dinner tonight. I hope he followed through for a change. I�m starting to feel like he just doesn�t care about the details anymore?
I�d also like to go check out the new John Cusak movie tonight. He�s totally one of my favorite actors! Hopefully it doesn�t inspire me to start looking for a date on the internet.

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