- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Jul. 28, 2005
7:24 P.M.

Last night I had the strangest dream.

Okay.... It was a really BAD dream!

I had a dream that I was sitting at a table surrounded by a bunch of superhero�s. I was eating dinner with SUPERMAN, SPIDERMAN, THE HULK and Kitty�s favorite of all time DARE DUMMY. (Dare Devil). I remember asking them to take off their masks and they refused. The more and more time that went by they seemed to act more aggressive and their speech became angrier.

They took turns complimenting me and after a few minutes it became really annoying. I told them to stop and they started yelling at each other. All of a sudden they started fighting right there in the restaurant. They were beating the hell out of each other. As they fought their masks came off and I saw that THE HULK was really Jovan, SUPERMAN was really Brian, SPIDERMAN was really Jim, and DARE DEVIL was really Ben.
I was shocked.
I remember thinking, �I didn�t know Ben was blind? Maybe he didn�t know I liked him because he was REALLY that blind?�
As they continued to fight I became really scared that they were going to come after me so I quietly escaped the room and went to hide in a closet. I remember seeing SPIDERMAN curled up in a corner as I was leaving the room and I was worried that he may have been killed. I wanted to go for help but was too afraid that they would notice me leaving the building and they would chase me.
I hid quietly in a closet and tried not to breathe in fear they would hear me. Just as things started to quiet down SPIDERMAN jumped in the closet. He was covered in blood.
I closed my eyes in fear he would attack me.
He sprinkled me with something that felt like water running over my skin. I opened my eyes and saw that I was covered in little red spiders.
This is the 4th night in a row I have had an awful nightmare that has caused me to wake up screaming.

Kitty woke up and hugged me and said,
"It was only a dream Kelly. It was only a dream..."
My roommates have GOT to hate me by now!

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