- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Friday, Jul. 22, 2005
6:20 P.M.

Today was finally Friday....
I crawled out of bed and went to work but it took no less than a hot poker and a bullwhip to get me on my feet.
I just didn't feel like doing ANYTHING today. I would have much rather stayed in bed....
Once I got to work things kept me busy and I had little time to think about the sadness that has surrounded me as of late.
My sister called to let me know that she would be at the funeral and she gave me some information on where I could send the flowers.
I took a short lunch break and the day seemed to pass by much slower after lunch.
JC Penny also called me on my lunch break to let me know that they are going to attempt to deliver a couch in "perfect condition", some time tomorrow morning.
I rolled my eyes when I had to confirm the delivery time.
When I asked them if they could guarantee that THIS couch would actually show up without rips or rods poking out of it, the customer service rep. said they would do their best to get it to my place in good condition. She assured me that it had been closely inspected before it left the warehouse so any rips it acquired would have taken place in the route from the warehouse to my apartment.
I'm totally over it!
If the couch comes tomorrow and it's still shitty, I'm sending all the furniture back and telling that stupid department store to.... GO SCREW!!
I could get a couch in much better condition for less money. It's taken them 4 months to get me a piece of crap!
I've waited at home for the past Saturday every week waiting for a furniture delivery. This is a joke!
Buying furniture sucks!

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