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I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005
6:19 P.M.

I was at work this morning when I got the call from mom.
�Clint has passed away. Grandma is going to try to get home to fly up to Michigan City with dad. I�m really worried about dad and how he will handle the news.�
It didn�t take me long to get my things together and head over to see my dad to make sure he could handle the devastating news. With all of the tragedy I knew he�d need help getting a flight down to Miami to help my grandma drive home.
He was very upset about losing Clint, but quickly his sadness turned to anger when his sister called to yell at him for offering to fly down to help my grandma drive home from Miami. My aunt �Crazy� totally blew up on him. She didn�t take the news of losing Clint the same sad way as everyone else. She actually had the nerve to complain about the same things she�s been complaining about for the past 3 weeks�.. HER JOB!
She can't handle NOT being the center of attention. And uncle Clints death came at a bad time for her busy schedule. She said she�s not happy in her job and she was interviewing for another position. She claims that she needs my grandma to skip the funeral and stay with her because she doesn�t have a license and she is tired of paying Miami cab fare to get around town.
Crazy's attitude problem hit a nerve with me too.
I can�t believe she doesn�t want my grandma to fly up to her own brother�s funeral. Talk about F*cked up!
My aunt is nuts!
After my aunt called to chew out my dad she called my cell phone 3 times. When I didn�t answer her calls she left me the same nasty messages over and over, basically stating she wants no part of a family that is concerned about going to a funeral over her problems that she brought on herself. If she didn�t drink and drive, time and time again, she wouldn�t have lost her license for good.
Grandma told me to hold off on booking flights to Michigan City for the funeral until she gets home tonight. She said we�ll cover the details in the morning.
Most of the day was spent with dad. I made sure he had lunch, took a shower and got to the airport on time. Now he just called to let me know that they are driving through Alligator Alley and should be home some time after midnight.
I�m going back to work in the morning. I felt really bad leaving early, but dad really needed me. I tried to be strong and not cry in front of him. I feel so freaking exhausted.
I�m definitely going to try to hit the hay early today.
Uncle Clint was a great man! Clint is one of my favorite uncles, with his ability to see the benefits of even the most devastating or chaotic situation. His fresh perspective often pointed out the light at the end of any tunnel. I remember when he was here with his great wife when my grandfather passed away and offered support in so many ways. He helped my grandmother sell her house, find a new place, get things moved or sold, and his advice and direction helped hold things together when they were at their worst.
I will truly miss the guy, but all of my memories of him are fond memories. He was an amazing man and his influence benefited so many people in so many great ways.

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