- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Jul. 07, 2005
5:03 P.M.

The strongest storm of the season churns south of the southern tip of Florida and our office is preparing it�s emergency contact list. Tammy wanted to be sure that our boss could reach us at home if he needed to call us to tell us NOT TO COME TO WORK ON MONDAY.
What are the chances that we won�t have work on Monday? It looks like a 4% chance at this point, but who knows where the storm will turn. The chance that I can sleep in on Monday is slim to none, and it hinges upon this storm called �DENNIS�.

Lori being the "informative one" in the office, made repeated announcement's about the storm headed straight into the Gulf of Mexico.


Yippy skippi.
The only news that took a brief back seat to Lori�s ranting about her new obsession, the big storm, was the bombings that took place in London early this morning.
The news of the bombings seemed to stretch across the globe quickly. As I drove to work today I noticed that none of the stations were playing music. All of the radio shows played live calls from listeners who expressed their own thoughts, or conspiracy theories about the matter.
I was sad after seeing the Headlines from todays paper. The newspapers I saw in Starbucks, captured the joy in London following an announcement that they had been awarded the honor of hosting the next Olympic Games. So suddenly the news of London's celebration was outdated....
I feel so bad for the people over in Europe having to deal with all of the chaos...

Sometimes I wish I could bury my head in my pillow from the �NEWS OVERLOAD�.
I can�t turn on the television without hearing someone bitch about the weather, the president, or informative consumer watches that no one even pays attention to.
Time seemed to pass by at the speed of sludge at work this week. I've noticed more of the office banter, and I secretly wish I were more busy...
I sat there listening to the girls talk about the storm, and actually considered the idea of getting hit by this big storm. What would it be like to NOT have power in the apartment for more than a day?....

I guess I should head to the grocery store for emergency supplies? JUST IN CASE....
The weekend is quickly approaching, and the girls in the office act as if the weather will be SO bad this weekend that there will be no power or food available ANYWHERE WITHIN 50 miles!!
Take a deep breath people�
The only thing we know FOR SURE, is that it MAY or MAY NOT rain....

The storm approaches a category 4, and people all around me seem more agitated.
As I wrapped up at work for the end of the day one of the girls said, �Look! Look! Key West has a mandatory evacuation in effect!�
Oh come on� GET OVER IT!
The �Cone of possibility� featured in the national weather center forecast still doesn�t feature Tampa Bay as a direct target.

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