- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, May. 15, 2005
8:58 P.M.

Where did the weekend go?....
What day is it anyway?

Last night I went over to visit with Amy and say goodbye to the European visitors.
It was late when I arrived, and Amy's parents were already sleeping. When I walked up to the house Brian was smoking a cigarette out front and he said he was sorry I didn't get to meet all of them for dinner, but they were happy I came by to say goodbye. He also mentioned that there was a ticket to Denmark for Amy and I in the case we decided to pick up and go out there.
�You guys would really love Copenhagen! The city never sleeps and we know everyone out there!�
I rolled my eyes in response to his comment because I�m not exactly the �party animal�.
Friday night was a once in a blue moon type of event.
As we walked out back to meet everyone else on the porch Brian also mentioned that Peer was absolutely enamored with Amy and he had displayed his affections to her in the restaurant where he openly dedicated a toast to her and presented her with the most beautiful diamond heart pendant.
Once I made it out to the porch where Amy and Peer were sitting, she showed me the necklace and told me the story in much greater detail.
I looked over at peer and he seemed completely smitten.
Brian kept asking us when we would come out to Copenhagen to visit and begged us to write him, and keep in touch.
Although the guys were much older than us, we still had a great time with them on Friday.
As for Copenhagen, Who knows if Amy and I will ever make it out there?


Oh, Sunday!
Where does the weekend go?
I woke up late again.
Kitty and I went furniture shopping and didn�t make any definite decisions. I�m moving into the new place in just over a week and I�d like to get a sectional sofa to accommodate two more roommates.
I figure more furniture will make us more comfortable in the new place.

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