- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, May. 09, 2005
6:48 P.M.

The weekend went by so quickly....
I don't even remember what I did on Friday night?...
Kitty and I met up with the family for dinner on Saturday night.
The night didn't start off on the right foot because it felt like something was missing. My family didn't invite my grandmother to dinner and it really ticked me off.
The drive up to the restaurant seemed to take forever but parking was easy once we finally got there.
As we approached the dinner table everyone looked up with surprised expressions on their faces, and then quickly went back to their own conversations.
Before mom even said hello she pointed up at me and screamed, "Hey Katy, is that the color blue that you want your bridesmaids to wear??"
Suddenly, all eyes were on me.
I introduced myself to everyone at the table and finally had a chance to meet my sisters' future mother in law.
Kitty smirked at me to motion that he could feel the static in the silence. Everyone at the table already seemed so tense and uptight and no one was really talking.
After driving over an hour in heavy traffic just to meet them for dinner I wasn't up for conversation either.
My sister didn't say but two phrases the entire meal, and she gave me short prompt answers when I asked her about her wedding plans.
I couldn't help but secretly wish I were in Orlando watching VELVET REVOLVER, and 3 DOORS DOWN perform.
Desperate to make conversation, I asked the group if they had seen any good concerts lately. Chances are, at least one person there had seen a concert in the last month.
Katy said she hadn't seen any recently but looks forward to seeing U2 in the summer.
Once Katy had replied to my question the table fell silent again.
No one was talking.
I couldn't wait to get finished with dinner so I could go home.
Instead of going straight home after dinner, Kitty and I went out for some Italian Ice.
Our dessert was the best part of the night. We were both stuffed, or we would have gone out for a movie.
As for Sunday....
Sunday went by way too quickly.
Kitty made a turkey and we invited our parents over for dinner. Grandma came and so did my sisters' future mother-in-law.
It was great to get them all together and the meal was the best meal I've had in quite a while.
I only wish we could make a big turkey more often....

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