- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday, Apr. 26, 2005
8:58 P.M.

well, well, well, well....
I clicked onto his site just in time to catch the live stream of Jasons' next release.
It was 8:57 pm and I got goose bumps as I clicked the link on his site to listen to the tracks that were going to be available on his next CD.
I kept thinking, �THIS IS IT! THIS IS IT!�
Suddenly I noticed that the audio that was playing sounded jumbled and bunched together.
I couldn�t help but wonder, �Does Jason Mraz have turrets? Maybe that spider bite he mentioned in his journal was a little more serious than he lead on?�
I read on his site that he had been ill, but I wasn�t aware that he totally lost his ability to communicate!!
I was so disappointed.
DAMN! I had been sooooo looking forward to this.
His email message to his fans about streaming his new CD from his site was BOGUS!
It was a total joke!
Turns out he had recorded all of his songs on top of each other where they all play at once, and he managed to drown out each song on the record.
I was really looking forward to catching even a MOMENT of that freaking CD.
I'm so damn pissed off now that I don't think I'll bother to buy the CD when it comes out.... and right now if I could, I would sell those stupid tickets I bought for his show in June.
This whole day has been a total catastrophe!
To start off with while I was at work, one of my agent's called to ream me out about a licensing issue and then later called to apologize because HE was the one who totally fucked up.
I was tempted to leave work early when I was plagued by a migraine around 2 p.m. but I stuck it out for the rest of the day.
Then, when I was on my way to view an apartment it started to storm really badly. When I finally made it to the complex the woman who had offered to show me the place backed out and said she was afraid to go out in the rain.
What ever!
As if she might melt?!
I left the neighborhood pretty ticked off and came to the conclusion that I won't be living there.
On my way home I stopped off at the mall to try to replace my work shoes that had fallen apart yesterday.
I was only in the store for 20 minutes and when I came back out to find my car.....
My heart sank into my stomach and I wanted to vomit.
I quickly called Kitty and told him what had happened. He said he was on his way.
Confused and distraught, I went back out to the parking lot and kept hitting my car alarm button hoping that my car would just magically appear.
Well after attempting to call my car with the remote for about ten minutes in the rain I heard a familiar beep reply to my requests.
My heart sank back into my stomach and I caught my breath in extreme surprise.
It turns out that while I had been driving around the parking lot before my shopping, I was in a daze. I must not have been paying close attention to the fact that I parked the car MUCH, MUCH further out into left field than normal.
I was so relieved to get my car that I ran to the car and drove home crying.
Kitty breathed a sigh of relief when I called to tell him that I had found my car.
He said he had assumed the worst and thought that I had been in an accident when I called to tell him that I had lost my car.
Last but not least, Kitty came by for dinner and we decided to go out for a bite to eat instead of cooking at home.
We went down the street to a local steak joint and had a great meal.
The only regret I had was at the point in the meal when I looked at my watch and realized it was 8:30, and Jason Mraz only had his CD linked up to his site until 9.
We got our check and raced home to try to catch the live feed.
I clicked on the link....
and there it was.
It sounded like bad, phonetically jumbled hieroglyphics

I'm so pissed and can't help but still hunger for what I was missing tonight.

What I wouldn't give to hear that man sing RIGHT NOW....

1 speak your mind

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