- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Feb. 28, 2005
7:15 P.M.

I was sitting at my desk tapping my pencil to my temple.
I had to remind myself that, I love this part of my job.
The part where my boss seems to respect what I have to say, and the words I place on paper have the ability to inspire struggling agents out in the field.
**Tap! Tap! Tap**
My skull seems to be pounding along with the rhythm of my heart.
I can feel a migraine coming on but I still tap my pencil to my head.
I think....
"There�s nothing like having �writers block�, when all you are supposed to do is WRITE about something....... write a little something about things you�re not even passionate about!!!"
Normally I interview an agent. I get his feedback and try to make a success story out of his answers to my inventive questions.
I had the interview questions and answers RIGHT in front of me but THIS time I was having trouble making it sound good.
The answers seemed somewhat forced and mundane. Like the guy I had interviewed really didn't care that he had been chosen as "Agent Of The Month."
Why is it that the only guys who care to read these silly columns are the guys who are almost good enough to make it?
I get calls from inspired agents on a weekly basis asking me more detailed questions about the bio. I wrote just last week.
I like to write the column. Don't get me wrong; it's just that sometimes it feels like I'm pulling teeth to get answers from the guys elected to "Agent Of The Month" status.
Isn't it supposed to be an honor of some sort?
Then again, there are some days where I�m not totally in the mood to write about agents in the field. While I write my complimentary column about agents I hardly know, I don't wish I were in their shoes. I am inspired by their success but would find myself bored walking a mile or two in their shoes.
They trade endless hours in the office for time spent with family and friends. They take lavish getaway trips to mile high resorts and water ski for a quick thrill.
I have to hand it to some of these guys though. Some of these guys weren�t always financially stable, and they use the success they have found in this business to go off and do the things they had only dreamed of in the past.
Secretly at times, I wish I were interviewing great inventors, inspiring writers, well respected Actors or struggling musicians who have moved far beyond the plague of "front man syndrome".

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