- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2005
9:21 P.M.

I was first to arrive at the church and when I called Kitty he was still 15 minutes away.
The ceremony went well and the elegies Kitty and Moo gave were amazing. I cried, I laughed and at one point my hairs stood on end as I related so closely to the story being told.
The priest was sure to remind us that today was ASH WEDNESDAY, the first day of LENT, which reminded me that I had not made a decision to give up anything.
The thought's associated with LENT lingered in the back of my mind for the remainder of the day.
After the ceremony we all went out for lunch in Tarpon and then I had to head back to work for a few hours.
The day seemed to drag on and on and the 3 hours I spent at the office seemed like an eternity.
I just couldn�t get out of there soon enough.
I left the office around 5 to meet up with Kitty and the group for dinner. I invited mom and dad and they finally had the chance to meet Kitty�s mom and Moo.
Kitty seems to be feeling better now.
I will probably remember this day for a very long time.

As for **LENT**, I have decided to give up something MAJOR.
Normally people who consume red meat on a regular basis would give up red meat.
I can give up red meat�. No problem!
I can give up dairy�.. Piece of cake!
But one thing I noticed that I can�t live without is my Starbuck�s coffee every morning.
I�m giving it up!
40 days�.
40 nights�.
No coffee!
I have tried this before when I was told not to drink coffee because it could cause me to have seizures, but even then, I couldn�t resist the temptation of a LARGE Mocha cappuccino to start my day!

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