- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Jan. 03, 2005
6:34 P.M.

I expected the first day back at work to be busy, but it was hectic.
It was a rough start when I unexpectedly got shortchanged 15 bux by the tollbooth on my way into work.
I gave the guy at the tollbooth window a twenty and he gave me four and a quarter back.
As I folded up the money and drove away I sorted through the money and exclaimed, �What the f*ck!�
I had already drove about a hundred feet onto the expressway and if I went back right away I would still be ten minutes late for work because I�d need to do a u turn at the next exit to make it back.
I was fuming!
Once I got into the office a large stack of papers to sift through welcomed me.
I don�t know what it is about the other girls I work with but they feel that MY DESK is the place to put any form that they don�t know how to deal with.
I was so pissed off about the stack of miscellaneous papers that I totally forgot to clock in.
I checked my messages and I had missed about a million calls last week while I was out on �Vacation�.
I only wish I would have made a trip up to NYC to break away from the day-to-day life.
We had a meeting and went over a few loose ends just before lunch.
Once it was over, lunch couldn�t come soon enough. I was starving!
I got out of the office for a bit.
The afternoon carried on in the same fashion as the morning had started. I was still stressed but the day passed by quickly.

I was stuck in little traffic on the way home and was relieved to pull into the drive way after being stuck behind an old blue hair for 20 minutes.

Kitty came by and made chicken marsala.
I can�t wait to hit the hay early.
I�m so stressed out and totally beat!

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