- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday Sept. 28, 2004
6:10 P.M.

Things have been incredibly hectic at work lately.
There aren�t enough hours in the day. Even before I started getting sick, I�d come in and work straight through lunch. I take a 15-minute break instead of an hour like everyone else, and then stay a half hour late.
My work is always pending upon someone else�s move, or someone else�s decisions.
Even when I leave work, my next day�s work could be reserved before the day even arrives.
I don�t know if it�s because I was out sick for a week, or the transitions that take place weather I�m there or not.
It seems as if my whole world is standing still, but everyone else moved on without me sometimes.
Not only have I started losing control of my own job, I get frustrated listening to people around me who can�t find anything to do with their own time.
I�ve got so much work and would like to ask for help but don�t know how because I�m too busy to focus on describing the things I need help with.
I get home from work and I�m too tired to even be hungry for dinner.
I get home; I turn the television on and feel my body melt into the chair.
I�ve been having chest pains and want to blame it on the medication that my doctor has me on.
He put me on Vioxx, which is a medication for arthritis, but it has help to ease the pain of my swelling gallbladder.
I don�t know when I can realistically schedule the surgery to get it out.
I�m in a lot of pain at night when my world comes to a stand still and sometimes it even keeps me up at night.
I�m losing control.
It�s not just the gallbladder surgery; it�s also the sinuses that need to be fixed.
I wish I could just schedule them to both be done at the same time.
I haven�t found a surgeon for the gallbladder surgery, and ideally I should try to schedule it before thanksgiving. That way I can take a week to get well and it won�t cut too deeply into my pocket book.
The boss has allowed us 5 total days of vacation for the thanksgiving holiday.
I would honestly rather spend my thanksgiving with friends in LA, NYC or Canada.
I mean who really wants to spend their vacation in a hospital bed?
Ok, enough complaining.
I�m headed out with Mad Dog for dinner.

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