- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Saturday, Jun. 05, 2004
4:42 P.M.

I still don't understand what is going through Allen's mind.

Has he completely lost it?

Does he not know that he is a complete JACKASS!?!?!?

Oh c'mon.

Don't waste my time.

Stop calling me already!


These thoughts run ramped through my mind but I still haven't told him to stop calling.

I just don't answer the phone when he calls, and I don't return his calls when he leaves long extensive messages.

He leaves these messages as if he's pretending to care how I am doing since the accident.

Who does he think he's fooling?

c'mon grow a brain!


I had another strange dream last night.

I had a dream that Jenn called to tell me that her mom had a dream that I was pregnant.

Then I drove over to Amy's parents house for dinner and her mom drilled me for answers to her questions about my current dating situation.

(In real life, in real time, I am completely single, but in my dream I was seeing Jo-Jo on the down low. I guess I hadn't told anyone about him.)

Well her mom starts in with, "I didn't know you were engaged?"

My eyes bulged up as I replied, "Shawwwwwwwww right! Not even!"

Just then John and Amy walked in to the dinning room where I was sitting with Linda.

Amy said, "Yes, even though you've kept him a secret, I approve!"

In behind John walked Jo-Jo.

I was floored!

My heart sank and speed up to catch up with the moments that had just seemed to drag.

He walked in and smiled as he said, "There's my baby!"

I woke up to the phone ringing.

It was Amy telling me that she was heading over to my place so we could hang out around the apartment.

I truly wanted to go back to sleep.

I wanted to dream.

I wanted to see Jo-Jo again.

Then I sat up and realized.


He lives a million miles away and he shows as much interest in me as a cat shows to water.

They just don't mix very well....

I'll never see him again, but it's nice to remember the time spent with him.

Besides, I hardly know him. I'm not about to get hitched to someone I know so little aboooooot.

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