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I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Apr. 12, 2004
9:51 P.M.

I stopped by to see grandma on my way home tonight and she was sitting up watching the television. My aunt was packing her bags to be ready for her flight to Key West at 6 a.m.

Dave came by to walk the dog and spent about 40 minutes out front with the little monster. Just as grandma started to worry, Missy (Dave�s fianc�) knocked on the door with the munchkin in her arms.

�Somebody decided to scarf down a colony of ants, instead of taking a dump!�

I couldn't help but laugh.

Missy was so straight forward when she made her statement about the dogs act of extreme stupidity .

Grandma let out a weak whimper, as she wrinkled up her face in disapproval.

The dog came running into the living room like someone had stuck a firecracker up his butt! He was jumping in the air frantically, and then running across the room to do some sort of shimmy-shake, in effort to rid his fur of the remaining water.

Missy had given the dog a bath to try to get the ants off of him.

She leaned over and grabbed the dog to try to dry him off a little better.

�Dave took him out to the grass and he started sniffing around. Then all of a sudden started chewing loudly as he was licking his lips.�

My grandma shrieked with a gasp, and let out her best "DRAMA QUEEN IMPRESSION" as she sighed, �ON NO!�


She shook her finger at him to chastise him for snacking on the ants, instead of taking a poop!

�Now you idiot. You�re going to poop in the house! You�d better not poop in the house�

She kept shaking her finger in his face. She tried to lean over to pick him up and he ran from Missy�s grasp.

He began running across the room with his nose pressed firmly on the carpet.

If the ants didn�t get his nose, the rug burn sure did.

That dog really IS stupid!

Missy chased down the dog and wiped off his itching nose as she picked him up and finished her story.

�Dave saw the dog smacking his gums and shined the flashlight down on him to find that he was sitting in an ant pile with a fist full of little ants crawling out of his mouth and through his whiskers.�

My aunt snuffed a comment under her breath, �Just what she needs. Now grandma isn�t going to sleep a wink because she�s going to be up all night wondering if the dog is going to be ok.

We assessed the situation by checking the dog for welts and giving him a small piece of Benadryl to try to ease the intense burning and itching from the aunt bites.

�Welcome to Florida Cody! You�re not truly a resident until you�ve met your neighbors! THE ANTS!!�

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