- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday, Mar. 09, 2004
6:43 P.M.

I was slammed at work and could still hear Kaleb talking to an agent in the background, "Well she's been very busy, but I'll put a bug in her ear and remind her that you're waiting for her to call you back."

I wanted to gag.

Put a bug in my ear?

Shit, I wanted to put a farm of bugs in all of their ears. Maybe if they had bugs in their brains they would stop calling me asking me silly questions.

I don't know....

I don't care.....

Is it 5 yet?

Shit, it's 5:40 and I'm still up to my ears in contracting.

I have yet to finish "the agent of the month

The days seem so long and slow yet when I get home I�m too tired to do the things I day dream about at work.

I have boxes pilled up to the ceiling.

Do I unpack, or move them to a closet?

Oh forget it�.

I sit here hoping Amy will call from Iraq to tell me that things are going well for her.

She wants to take a trip to New York in November and I�m psyched. I�ve always wanted to see the city, and I can�t think of a better person to take the trip with!

I�ve been here for a few hours, but I need to get some food.

I don�t feel like cooking so I�m running out to a local food joint to grab a bit to eat�.


It�s how it�s been for days now.

Hey, I could get used to this and not need anyone for anything ever again?


I love the company of Mr. Bunny.

I went to the pet store today and was eyeing a pug in the window. What I wouldn�t give to have a dog to keep me company�.

I don�t have a lot of free time, so maybe a dog isn�t the answer?

I could use a little company, but I�m too exhausted to pick up the phone�.

So here I sit, as nothings changes�.

How the hell am I going to meet new people sitting in my damn apartment all night?

Tomorrow�s another day!

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