- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Feb. 08, 2004
6:15 P.M.

I may not have a couch yet, but the place is still very nice.

I purchased my washer and dryer and that�s a start.

I guess entertaining guests won�t be on my list of priorities. I figure the only people who will visit until May or June are Lauren and Kitty.

Heidi won�t honestly get in a car and drive 35 minutes on her own, and I haven�t considered baby proofing the place.

I want nice things like glass tabletops. I don�t have kids yet, and this may be the only chance I have.

Jenn has Chad. She doesn�t venture far from him so I may not see much of her after I get out.

Chrissy, well I don�t really even want her to know where I�m going to be. All of her friends are ex-convicts and she�s still loyal enough to make excuses for them when they break into people�s homes. She still finds it cool to brag about the things they have stolen for drugs without getting caught.

I�m not impressed.

I may not have much. Hell, I don�t even have a couch but I�ve worked hard to accumulate the stuff that I have.

I didn�t get too much done this weekend. I spent most of the weekend looking at furniture and relaxing because I felt like shit. I can�t afford to get sick right now. I have too much going on.

I did find a new comforter. I used my Bed Bath and Beyond gift card that Amy gave me. THANK YOU AMY!

Lauren helped me pick out some bedroom d�cor.

I�m hoping it still goes well with the beige carpeting.

I want to do something more drastic than the earth tones that are already provided in the rooms. I�m thinking deep reds, chrome, black, and deep cobalt blues.

I spent some time in the used furniture stores but still haven�t found a price that seems right. Some of these places are charging the same amount as big stores charge for brand new furniture.

The next time I go out looking for furniture, I�m going to have to bring a professional haggler.

I�m not good at trying to haggle over used crap.

I don�t actually know any haggler's. So I�d better get out and meet more people.


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