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Sunday, Feb. 01, 2004
4:53 P.M.

Main Entry: [2] Earworm

Pronunciation: �ir, Er 'w&rm

Function: noun

Usage: often attributive

Etymology: Pop-culture, from Pop-music: wyrm serpent, worm; akin to Old High German wurm serpent, worm, Latin vermis worm.

Wormlike song that wiggles it�s way into your brain causing severe brain damage or retardation. Most commonly brought on by annoying tunes and music that sucks!


I have fallen victim to an earworm society.

It�s inevitable with today�s pop music and poor radio programming.

Just the other day when I heard the song for the first time I fell in love with the video. Because I liked the video, I purchased the cd.


The majority of the CD actually sucks!

I swear I�ve heard that Brittany Spears song �Toxic� about 13 times since I�ve woken up this morning, and it�s not because I bought the CD.

I have now decided to put the CD in the microwave to quickly end my misery.

Although I have chosen to destroy the CD, The song still plays in rapid roation in the back of my mind.

The song has become such an annoyance that I can't focus on much else.


You could take a totally great song and screw it up by playing it too many times over and over again, but there are still those songs that resist the corrosion promised by repetition.

Some of the great Musicians that have resisted corrosion caused by repetition may include but are not limited to:

1. Aerosmith

2. Ben Harper

3. Fiona Apple

4. Dave Matthews

5. Tonic

Other artists will never avoid the earworm label.

1. Pink Floyd

2. Brittany Spears

3. New Kids On The Block

4. Spice Girls

5. Bon Jovi

6. Back Street Boys

Earworms are not something that just came along recently. They have been around as long as we have been capable of humming a tune.

Top Ten Ear Worms Of All Time include but are not limited to:

10. �Lavida Loca� - Ricky Martin

9. �Bye, Bye, Bye�-Nysnc

8. �Hit Me Baby One More Tim�-Brittany Spears

7. �Shake Your Bon-bon�-Ricky Martin

6. �I Saw The Sign�-Ace Of Bass

5. �It�s A Small World�-No Named Artist

4. � Mmmmm-Bop�-Hanson

3. �Achy Breaky Heart�-Billy Ray Somethin�

2. �Wanna-be�-Spice Girls

And the top ear worm of them all:

1. �Macarena�-Who The Fuck Really Cares

The top ear worm song was difficult to determine. It was a tie. "Macarena" tied for the number one spot with "The Rythum Is Goanna Get You, by Gloria Estefan.

(Because she wasn't kidding when she sang it. The rythum IS goanna get ya!)

And quickly climbing the earworm charts are the songs �Toxic�, and �Stacy�s Mom�

One simple, but very painful remedy for an earworm was suggested by some comedian on VH1.

�If you feel an ear worm coming on, just punch yourself in the neck.�-Some funny chick on VH1

(It's hopeless. You really have no hope in getting rid of the ear worm if you don't catch it in time.)

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