- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Jan. 26, 2004
1:15 P.M.

I think with all this stress I may have actually managed to catch a mini-version of the flu.

I've been sick all morning and my whole body aches.

No, I'm not pregnant. Unless Kitty's will to imagine me having orgies with all these guys is enough to do it?

If that were the case, the least he could do is fill me in on the details. I would love to hear how it all came about.

With his imagination, I'm sure we'd all hear some long elaborate story involving a wizard, A butler, Dave Mathews, Gemini, A dance club with VIP access, Structure, Mad Dog, Joe's Monkeys and maybe some elves too.....Oh, and don't forget the French midget with turretts syndrome, screaming obsceneties out the back window of a cab at nuns in New York City!

*Smell the sarcasm*


Damit! If I'm going to be home from work, the least I could do is pack right?


I feel like shit and I just want to lay down in bed for a while....

Wake me when it's over......


I had a strange dream last night. I don't remember what it was about, but it was nice to see Ben's face again.

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