- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Jan. 11, 2004
9:40 P.M.

Saturday was a big day.

I forgot to mention that Lauren found me a place to live.

As time draws closer to march the anticipation builds.

I�m going to move out to Tampa closer to civilization. I�ve found the perfect little apartment where I�m sure to know my neighbors. Lauren loves it out there. I�m so glad we�re going to live so close. I only hope that once I get there she doesn�t decide to pick up and move right away. I think that me moving out closer to her is a great idea. We haven�t been as close as we could be and I think that with us being neighbors it won�t matter so much when our schedules don�t exactly mesh. I want her to feel welcome like she can stop in at my place any time.

I checked out the floor plan, the building and the view. It couldn�t be more perfect.

The only thing I�m going to try to work on is the cost of rent. I�m going to see if they can give me a break. 700 bux didn�t seem too outrageous to Lauren and Matt. Matt told me that if I don�t spend the money for a nicer place I�d probably end up living in the ghetto.

I�ll sacrifice the luxury of eating out all the time for a nice place with normal neighbors.

The floor plan is amazing. It offers bountiful closet space, a fully functioning kitchen that would give a culinary chef Goosebumps, a huge master bedroom, and a bathtub that would please a queen!

I�m going to start taking a lot more baths!

I woke up late this morning and I didn�t make it out there to drop off my security deposit, so it�s been rescheduled to next weekend. I�m so excited that I can�t think straight!

This is happening. It�s finally happening.

I�m finally getting out on my own!

Last night while talking to Gemini he mentioned that he majored in architecture and interior design. I was considering letting him help me design the setup for the apartment. Maybe he actually knows what he�s talking about?


Tonight offers the perfect ending for another great weekend.

�ALIAS� has finally returned to prime time!!

Wooooo �weeeee !!!

Say goodbye to �Alias� withdrawal!

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