- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Saturday, Jan. 03, 2004
1:11 P.M.

Jenn, Heidi and I had a great time at the club.

When Jenn and me went out for dinner she asked me what I thought of the guys that we had met at the club. Specifically she wanted to know what I though of shorty.

I know he is 23 now, but I will always think of him as a little boy.

He�s short with a �come hither smile�, and flashy debonair style.

(I know, short guys need love too.)

Jenn was telling me that her friend Trina had kissed him, �ON THE LIPS� at a party.

I felt like we were in grade school all of a sudden, as if we were sharing battle stories from a juvenile game of �truth or dare�.

She grabbed my arm and smiled as she went into a giddy fit of details, �We were at this party and he kissed Trina. She told me he had a pointy tongue, but I think she only said that because she was afraid I would kiss him too and she wanted to have her way with him.�

�As you are looking for Mr. Right with the initials K.S. I honestly wonder, maybe that psychic lady meant he would have the initials E.S.?�

I laughed it off trying to imagine kissing a guy with a pointy tongue. It didn�t sound all that appealing.

�Well Kelly if you stay local tonight I�m sure You�ll run right into him. He�s usually up at that local bar, and if nothing else you will see him next Friday because I think he wants to see more of you.�

I looked at her funny wondering what she was talking about.

�Kelly, you know he likes you. I watched him as he followed you like a lost puppy dog around the club. He may not have said much to you but when you went downstairs to the bathroom, he was right there behind you. When you went to the bar to get a drink, there he was. When you went down to watch the dancing girls, he was there too. Don�t you think that is sort of ironic? Are you TOTALLY BLIND?�

I had a crush on the guy in high school but it was more like a girlish puppy dog love type of crush from afar.

His older brother was the �sexy one� in the family, but he too never gave me the time of day.

Jenn then pointed out that I never gave anyone the time of day.

�The telephone works both ways baby. It�s not like you were approachable. Look at who we hung out with. We were the BITCH CLICK.�

(Jessica was damn intimidating. Most guys were afraid of her.)

I remember Mike saying the same thing to me when I had first started college.

He said that there were guys in high school who openly had crushes on me and my friends Amy, and Jenn, but they never tried to talk to us because we seemed preoccupied with more �grown up� things. They thought we dated college guys, or men who had their shit together. They thought we were off in our own little world.

I was never aware that I was part of a club, or a clique until Mike told me.

Maybe Mike was full of shit?

Maybe Mike just wanted to hook up?

Who knows?

We never hooked up because I couldn�t just forget the way that those jocks would tease and make fun of me.

I always thought I was a dork, and some things will never change.

Jenn thinks I should acknowledge this guys urge to get to know me, she thinks I could be missing out on something good.

I could probably forget the fact that this cutie pie never noticed me in high school, but he�s still short.

**Maybe he's perfect and I just need an excuse to stay single?**

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