- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Jan. 01, 2004
11:05 P.M.

Main Entry: mar�riage

Pronunciation: 'mar-ij also 'mer-

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Old French, from marier to marry

Date: 14th century

1 a : the state of being married b : the mutual relation of husband and wife : WEDLOCK c : the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family

2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities

3 : an intimate or close union

- mar�riage�abil�i�ty /"mar-i-j&-'bi-l&-tE also "mer-/ noun

- mar�riage�able /'mar-i-j&-b&l also 'mer-/ adjective


Marriage is something that should not be entered into lightly.

I watch �The Newlyweds� on MTV and see what a total mockery it becomes after video cameras are introduced.

Lately many people have brought the topic of marriage to my attention.

First was grandma when she mentioned she was only 20 when she got married to my grandfather.

Before I walked out the door on Tuesday to come home from work Marry stopped me to ask if I had any big plans for the New Year. When I told her that I was going to see Tonic and I didn�t have a date in mind she seemed shocked.

She said it�s a great time to spend with the one you love.

Only one problem, me, I�m in love with no one at the present time.

Marry took our conversation directly in the direction of marriage.

She told me about her wedding and that her son would be getting married in 2 years and how he had proposed to his girlfriend on Christmas.

Linda soon joined in the conversation and told us all about her dream Vegas wedding with the guy she is now married to.

�I was all about the Elvis ceremony, but Brian just wasn�t having it!�

I had to smile. It�s a cute thought, but when I get married I picture a nice elegant church somewhere in mid November.

I won�t go into detail about all of the marriage conversations, because it�s just boring.

And yesterday was the most shocking of all.

I went in to get my nails done and I was chatting with the girl who normally does my nails. She asked about my sister and when she would be moving back to Florida.

�Well, my sister is finishing her last semester in Ohio and she�s moving down in May after she graduates. I�ll be all moved out by then. I�m excited to get out on my own!�

She smiled and replied, �Wow, you are getting married? Do you have a boyfriend?�

I told her that I was single and her smile quickly faded to a sympathetic frown, �Aw Kelly. That�s so sad. You are moving out alone?�

She explained that in her culture you don�t move out of your parent�s house until you get married.

I tried to convince myself that I�m an independent woman and her comment had no affect on me, but something inside just felt empty.

I anxiously thought to myself, �If I were to trust that psychic lady that Missy and I met at the street carnival I could sleep at night knowing I�m going to meet the guy of my dreams in 2004 and get married shortly after we meet.�

I remember having a conversation with Missy the last time she was down. She said that not much of what the woman had told her would happen in her distant future had fallen into place.

I only wish I could say the same. That crazy woman at the sidewalk fair pinpointed so many crazy things that touched my life. She was so specific about names and dates that it freaked me right out.

I had kept a notepad with all of the facts that she fed me and I hadn�t brought it out for a long time. About 3 weeks ago I brought it out for shits and giggles and got lost in the idea of wondering how this woman could have pinpointed so many benchmarks in my life.

Mad Dog and I had a conversation the other night when we went out about a small town in the middle of nowhere where all the psychics live. I was somewhat curious to find out what they would say about my life.

I jokingly suggested that we take a road trip out there, but yesterday I pulled out that tablet of facts from that crazy woman and it�s got me wondering. Is this really my year?

Are things going to fall together the way she had told me?

I have a good feeling about the year to come.

I close my eyes and smile.

�Is this really it?�

Maybe I won�t be moving out alone after all.

I�d better get out more. There�s no way I�m going to meet mister wonderful sitting here in my room!

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