- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Dec. 28, 2003
3:09 P.M.

I take notice of the large pile of clean clothes on my bed and realize that today I have spent much time doing absolutely nothing.

I woke up early today with the intent of walking on the beach but there was no parking and the place was swarming with tourists.

I came home to find my sister had done much of the same nothingness that I have lately found myself a part of.

I tried to coax her off the couch by offering to take her into the city, or up to the mall but she declined.

I don�t think she has accepted an invitation to do anything with me in years.

The other day I swore that I wouldn�t ask her to do anything ever again, but this extreme boredom leads you to desperate measures.

I just don�t understand why she acts the way she does. She�s somewhat normal to other people, but acts like such a bitch to me.

For instance, the other night when I asked her to go out she said she was staying in because she was tired.

45 minutes later she was gone.

I asked my dad where she went and he said she went out to meet up with friends. She was gone all night and when she returned in the morning she hardly spoke to me.

She came into my room to borrow my clothes and complained that they were too small on her.

Well I�ve always been a few sizes too small. It shouldn�t come as such a shock.

I asked her how her night was and she cut me off with her short response. She hissed something along the lines of �Fine� as she walked back out the door.

Later that day she mentioned that she had gone to hang out with some girl that she couldn�t stand in high school, which really made me feel like shit.

Aren�t families supposed to be close? Why would she choose to hang out with someone she despises over her own sister?

Why can�t my family be a little more normal?

It�s as if my sister doesn�t even hold me at the high regards where she puts her God damned enemies.

What the fuck?

Of coarse I take offense to her behavior. I haven�t seen her for well over a year and she acts like a total asshole when she�s here.

She's only here for one more week and at this point I'll be happy to see her go. I'm tired of dealing with her attitude.


It�s already after noon and I�ve wasted most of my day away.

I wanted to do something low key so I wouldn�t be out spending money but at this point all I want to do is go out and buy more shit that I do not need at this very moment.

Instead of saving for an apartment, I would much rather be out buying the furnishings that appease this need to find some sort of satisfaction.

I hate the holidays, and how it feels to be around my cold-hearted family.

I wish I could leave them all behind.

I�m so sick of feeling like shit when I�m around them.

I only hope that next year I am somewhere across the country with someone who feels more like family than this hollowness that I call home.

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