- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Dec. 28, 2003
1:00 A.M.

I actually managed to stay in tonight.

I think it's the first Saturday that I haven't gone out in a long time, other than the weekends where I wasn't feeling well.

I ended up watching a few movies instead of going out.

The first was a classic, and one of my favorite John Cusak flicks, "Say Anything". It was the movie where he first drew my attention. I have loved his movies ever since.

I remember as a young kid thinking that Jerry Mazak physically and anatomically resembled John Cusak, landing him a spot in one of my top ten first crushes.

The plot however also gave me much to relate to, as I grew older. I related so much to John�s character in the movie. I had NO clue what I wanted to be at the end of high school. I was more eager to follow the dreams of the one I loved hoping to find myself somewhere along the way.

I guess I felt like I was the only one who was honest about NOT knowing what I wanted to do with my life. Most of my friends had some vague idea of what they wanted to do after high school. I only knew that I wanted to find happiness and the security that comes with not living paycheck to paycheck.

There are quite a few great one-liners in the movie, but my favorite line would definately have to be, "She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart,....... and she gave me a PEN!"


The second movie was something along the lines of a movie I WOULD NEVER RENT!

My sister picked it out and I only watched it 10 minutes into the movie not knowing what it was.

The title itself would have scared me away, but surprisingly it was a good action flick with great special effects and an intriguing plot.

After getting twenty minutes into the plot I was actually very interested in reading up on the characters from the movie.

Among the cast were heroes and villains of timeless and classic novel characters such as; Jekyll and Hyde, Captain Nemo, Tom Sawyer, The invisible man, and Dorian Gray.

After seeing this movie I realized that I know nothing of such characters portrayed in the movie. I have never taken the time to read any of the original novels in which the characters of the movie were based upon.

When it comes to timeless classic novels I've only read up on books like, "The Stranger", "The Odyssey", and countless other more mature novels that were "required reading" in college English and Humanities courses.

I need more time.

The most intriguing character from the movie must have been Dorian Gray because I had never heard of him before this movie. His biography states that Dorian is immortal. He will never age, he will never die and he is given this super power in exchange for his soul.

Somewhere in his vast painting galleries lies the key to his secret powers. A vain aristocrat, Dorian Gray had a picture painted of himself when he was in the prime of his youth. Overwhelmed by the fear of his own mortality, he wished that the painting would age instead of him. So the painting shows his true age, and the horrific decay that has come with each brush with death that comes his way.

Wow, how creepy is that?

The imagination it must have taken to write the original novels sparks my curiosity.

So one of my new years resolutions this year has just been created!

I will read one of the novels about the characters in this movie, but first I must find "The Portrait Of Dorian Gray".

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