- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003
8:00 P.M.

Life around here would be rather monotonous if it weren't for people like grandma!

Grandma has been coming by the house each night this week to pick up her dog.

She works a long day at the mall and dad takes care of her dog while she works.

In this short time that she spends at my house, she makes herself feel at home. She has developed this rather annoying habit of waking me up every time she comes over.

She walks in the house and heads straight for my door. She knows that I am sleeping but she knocks anyway. When I don't answer the door she peaks her head in and proceeds to walk towards my bed (Which is a feat all in itself).

She treads through the dirty and clean clothes that have pilled up on the floor since I haven't had the motivation to fold them, wash them, or throw them away.

I feel like shit!

One can always count on grandma to grind that fact straight into the wound with some nice lemon juice on top!

Grandma steps towards the bed and removes the layers of pillows crowding my face.

"Kell, ya know......(long pause)

You need to clean up this room. I could have taken an eye out just trying to get to your bed.

It's a pig sty in here!" (She WOULD know because she�s an authority on imaginary pig sty�s)

I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head.

"Now Kelly. You need to do something about this mess. I mean look at you, (she starts to suck air through her teeth as if to say "shame, shame, you know your name")."


I sat up in bed.


"You look like death warmed over. Go back to bed."


She got me to thinking, where did the phrase "Death warmed over" originate?

If I had to guess, I would say it must have sprung about somewhere during the time of the black plague where people were dying all the time?

Who knows?

I know what the phrase itself means.

It's an idiom or slang for, "You look like SHIT!"

It's a message that has been repeated over and over again this week.


Last night I told Edith I was feeling well, in hopes that I may feel a little better this morning. She had set her hopes high and expected me to come back to work today, and I didn't want to disappoint her.

Last night was a long rough night. I couldn't seem to fall asleep.

Even after little sleep, I did make it back to work this morning. I got up a few minutes early so I could take some extra time to get ready. I normally roll out of bed and go straight to work, but since I was feeling like ass I wanted to try to mask the feeling for at least half of the day.

I walked into work and the first person I saw was Edith.

She had so much cheer in her voice at first and then her tone sank down to disappointment when she said,

�Kelly! Welcome back. We�ve missed you.�

�You look like death warmed over, are you sure you want to work today?�


I counted down the minutes until I could come home and crawl back into bed.

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