- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday, Dec. 09, 2003
3:16 P.M.

Graduation is sneaking up on me and I haven�t been accepted into another university yet.

I checked with the school this morning and it turns out that they have lost my transcripts once again.

How many times are we going to have to run through this shit!

So as it goes, I will be graduating in less that two weeks but I will not be able to transfer for at least another semester?

I don�t know.

It�s all so confusing and I�m not going to stress about it.

Everything happens for a reason right? Right!

Maybe I�m not ready to pick up and move right now.

As it turns out, this morning when I woke up all this stress is breaking me down.

Whether it�s my aunt in the hospital, my job making me nuts, or school losing my records, it�s confirmed, I�m losing my mind!

I stayed home today because I had a nasty fever and I decided to get over to the doctors to make sure I was doing ok.


Not so much.

The doctor says that the stress is weighing heavy on my conscience, in turn affecting my health.

He says that I have a sinus infection. More painful, I have ulcers in my throat which are causing some sort of trachial bronchitis.

The doctor sent me home with some meds. and told me to return in a few weeks.

I was hardened when he told me I had lost a lot of weight.

Jen had noticed a while back and told the whole world, and I was the last to know, and now my doctor is worried.

I�m scheduled to go in for some blood tests in a few weeks. He wants me to be feeling well when he does the tests.

He also said that if I give it a few weeks, maybe the stress will dye down and things that are stressing me out will start to get back to normal.

A year ago I had decided that I wanted to go to North Western to finish my degree to be a writer. That dream has been slightly compromised and I�m not sure how it�s all going to piece together at this point.

I wish I had more direction. I wish I had a more solid positive influence in my life. It seems that all of my inspiration has come in spurts and flakes lately. I need something more substantial.

I�m graduating in less than two weeks and I haven�t had the time to sit around and absorb it. I am stressed about finishing my final assignments on time, yet excited to get it all done.

I�ve chosen not to walk with my class based on the fact that it�s only a local community college and I don�t any friends who would be there. They are all so busy with their own lives.

I know it�s selfish but part of me wishes my friends could be around for my graduation ceremony. I�ve worked so hard for this and right now I just want to be around the people I love, who in return love me.

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