- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Saturday, Nov. 29, 2003
4:52 P.M.

Mom is attempting to put Christmas decorations up for the third day in a row.

I�ve told her countless times, �I�m sitting this one out,� and she doesn�t get it.

My family is the only reason that I hate Christmas.

Every year my mom gets out the decorations and throws a tantrum when nothing turns out the way she had planned. Whether it be the lights don�t work, the ornaments are busted or she just doesn�t have enough extension cords, someone is going to get punched in the face.

She has woken up with a mission, and she is going to make SOME POOR FOOL CRY TODAY!

It�s not goanna be me!


I can�t wait until I am out on my own and I have my own place to worry about.

My mom has been an asshole for the past 3 days and she�s making me nuts. I�d rather not talk to her at all.

Yesterday she came busting into my room at 5 am to tell me to wake up so we could get our FREE-SNOW GLOBE at JC Penny�s. The fact that the sun wasn�t even awake at 5 am changed my mind about wanting one of those corny snow-globes right away.

I woke up early yesterday and finished my Christmas shopping. I came home before noon hoping to get a nap in, but reality set in. My mom was determined to get the Christmas decorations out and she can�t do anything on her own. She nagged my dad to help her and after 45 minutes of arguing he locked himself in his room.

After my dad gave up on helping my mom she came knocking on my door. I gave her my �hell no!�, response and she decided to throw a tantrum.

Lets just say I didn�t get any fucking sleep yesterday.

The only reason my mom asks for help with decorations is so she has someone else to blame when things don�t work out right.

I�m Le�tired of this shit!!!!!


After dealing with my family I met up with Missy and her man at Cody�s. She seems to be doing well. I worry about her all the time because of her hip. She says that when she gets back to Atlanta she�s going in for another surgery to try to help support her hip that is still bothering her.

She asked about my dating situation and her man joked about my potential to meet Mr. Right.

His joking was amusing, but I'm already aware that I have no chance to meet Mr. Right if I'm spending my weekends in clubs with Heidi. I guess part of me just doesn't care...

I'm going to sit out from dating for a bit.

I'm sure I'll meet him sooner or later, and when I do, I'll probably know it right away.


Late last night I met up with Kitty and Jr. for some sushi. All went well, but it was cold as fuck.


Today was another early day. I woke up around 7 to take the bunny to the vet. It appears that he has an eye infection. The doctor said that it�s not really that bad. He gave me some meds for the bunny and a huge bill for his services.

I guess they charge a lot more for Saturday appointments but that�s the only day I can take Mr. Bunny to the doctors.


I came home in hopes to get some shuteye, and once again my mom is pounding on my door every damn 6 seconds!


I can�t sleep for shit around here�.

I give up!


Tonight I�m planning to go out with Heidi for a bit.

Brian called from out of the blue wanting to know if I could meet up with him. For what reason? I was confused. I�m not sure that we ended things on good terms so I see no reason why he would want to hang out.

I haven�t seen him for well over a year, and I don�t spend much time wondering what ever happened to him. I�m sure everything happends for a reason and we were never meant to work out.

I told him I�d think about hanging out and I�d get back to him if I couldn�t find anything else to do tonight.

(That includes rearranging my sock drawer by color in alphabetical order)

Ryan also called for the ump-teenth time. I haven�t returned his calls because I�m not sure what he wants me to say, and I don�t have anything I want to say. Once again, we�re too different. He called to wish me a happy holiday and invited me out to go watch the Florida State game. I�m not really so interested in football right now.

I should be writing a term paper that is due on Monday, and I have another one due on Wednesday, and then Friday.

I�m screwed�.

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