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I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Nov. 27, 2003
12:04 P.M.

There is so much to be thankful for....

I guess I could site the obvious.

My dad is still here! He made it through brain surgery just a year ago and he's still kickin'.

I am also thankful that my grandma is still here. She's a great cook!


Thanksgiving has always been a busy day....This is usually the day I hear from people I hadn't heard from in months, sometimes years. They just seem to call me up out of the blue.

I find myself guilty of the same behavior.

On this day you reflect upon the things you are most thankful for and sometimes you find your mind drifting to times of the past when you had all of your friends around.

With time comes change, and your friends sometimes move away.

It's great to talk to old friends.....

I wonder what they are up to today?


Heidi extended her invitation to dinner a few weeks ago, and Kitty invited me over a few days ago for today�s big dinner.

So far the only thing I have planned is dinner at grandmas' house. She's a damn good cook.

I usually go out to a club after dinner but I usually find that everyone else has stayed home to be with their families. Maybe this year will be different? Maybe this year I will stay home and go to bed early.....


I'd like to go see Kitty but there are many reasons why I don't....

#1-I'm allergic to his cats, and he has a house full of them.

#2-Ding-Dong lives with him and until he's hit by lighting, or his tongue drops out of his mouth, I don't care to see him.

#3-oh forget it.......

I'm not going to list ALL of the reasons why I'm not going over there....

If I go, it will be because of some strange act of God. It would take nothing short of a miracle�.


Heidi's house is going to be jam-packed with guests tonight. I don't really see where she's going to put all of these people.

(Which reminds me, I'd better get a sure head count if I'm going to try to throw my own party for Christmas this year...)


This is the first year that the family has been split up for Thanksgiving.

My sister is up north. She's going to dinner at her boyfriend�s house in Chicago.

(Man, what I wouldn't give to be in Chicago!)

My drunk aunt is also out of town. Now that she is on house arrest in Key West we probably won't be seeing her for the holidays.

I'm hoping that with her absence comes peace and quiet.

On her own, my aunt usually manages to ruin the holiday spirit for everyone in the family. NO ONE is permitted to drink wine with dinner because MY AUNT has a drinking problem. For 24 years, Thanksgiving dinner has been eaten without wine. This will be the first year wine is allowed.

My aunt is known for her drunken tantrums. Even if we don't drink, she manages to chug a flask of something flammable in the bathroom. We're only lucky if she refrains from breaking grandma's dishes. She's all about stepping on toes and offending people...

Everything happends for a reason right?



Tomorrow will be yet another busy day. Mom wants me to get up at the ass-crack of dawn to take her to JC Penny's so she can get her free snow globe!

(What would the holidays be without a free snow globe?)

Happy Thanksgiving!

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