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I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
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What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003
4:59 P.M.

There is something to be said about feeling sexy.... Wanting sex, and how fast the feeling can be quickly extinguished by some nasty ass old man blatantly trying to invade your space.

It's even worse when he's drunk enough to get up the courage to come up and say something that makes you want to puke.


Ok, so I've had a little bit of the booty on the brain lately.

I have no one in mind who I'd like to seduce, yet the sound of getting some sounded kind of good.

I guess it's only fueled by the strange dreams I had last night.

I thought I wanted to get some and then....

I'm sitting there on the beach listening to my head set, day dreaming of Prince Charming, and this NASTY ass, smelly, drunk old man come up and sits right in my personal space. There was only an arms distance between his towel and mine. I rolled over and BAM! There he is.


He smiled and his breath smelled like he had eaten SKUNK for breakfast.

He leaned in even closer to say, "Hey-hey there pretty lady. Why are you sitting all alone? Man�. What I wouldn�t give to see you naked.�

Oh God help me.

I jolted up when he spoke at me in his loud stern voice.

I guess I didn�t exactly expect him to get so close.

It took a lot of effort not to puke at the smell of his breath.

I grabbed my stuff and I left....

As I walked to the car I kept asking myself, "Why?"

"Why did that asshole have to sit next to me? Why did he have to ruin MY day at the beach."


Man, creeps and wierdo's are everywhere!


The whole drive home was hell because the snowbirds are down and that really screws up traffic. We have about a half a million more elderly people driving at five miles per hour with their right turn signal on for 5 miles at a time, because you NEVER know when you may need to turn the damn car around.

I just hate driving in traffic.

I got home and I�m showered and bored outta my mind.

Since I have some free time, I guess I�ll try to rescue that sexiness I was feeling this morning. I�ll take a nap and hope Prince Charming finds his way back into my dreams�.

I want to go out dancing tonight without having to look over my shoulder wondering if some creep is trying to grind on my ass.


There�s a lot to be said about feeling sexy, and not having your groove interrupted by some creepy weirdo!

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