- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Nov. 06, 2003
10:13 P.M.

Steve held a meeting in his office just before cut off time at the end of the day.

He went over the schedule for next week�s boot camp and advised us not to get too hammered at the company cocktail party. "I don't care how many little pink things you drink at our company Christmas party, but don't get so drunk next week that you can't walk yourself up to your own room at the end of the night!"

We all shared a laugh when Linda snapped back, �I know you aren�t talking about me!�

After the meeting was adjourned everyone quickly picked up their things as if they had more important things to do.

I stood up but my foot was asleep. While my foot was sleeping my ankle decided to jump in and do my foots� job, only my body wasn�t having it. I heard a loud SNAP, CRACKLE, POP, but couldn�t feel much more than pins and needles all through my legs. The blood rushed to my head and I became light headed. I sat back down in my chair, and tears started to spill from my eyes. I could hear my coworkers talking to me, �Kelly, are you ok?� They sounded so concerned, yet a million miles away it seemed.

I started to sweat and my foot began to pound. It took me a few minutes before I could stand on my own two feet. Even after I could stand, nothing seemed to set right. I hobbled back to my office and Linda offered to get me some ice. I told her I�d be fine, I just needed a minute to walk it off.

The pain didn�t diminish. In fact I started to wonder if my foot was going to explode from the throbbing I felt from inside.

I packed up my things and drove home. Each time I had to press down on a pedal I felt a sharp, electric pain go through my feet, up my legs and into my spine. I cringed with each stop and acceleration.

I finally made it home and changed my clothes. Mom said I�d have to go to the emergency room to get it all checked out. I love the emergency room as much as I�d like to staple my own hands to my forehead.

The emergency room is a joke. You spend 4 hours just waiting to be seen and then you get an x-ray. It takes the doctor another 4 hours just to read the x-rays. You would think they are in the back taking a class to learn how to read the x-rays as they go along. The experiences and mishaps I have had in the past emergency rooms makes me wonder if they pass out qualifications to be a doctor at Sunday school.

Maybe anyone CAN be a doctor? I used to be discouraged about going to medical school because I didn�t want to spend all that time in school.

I laughed my ass off when one of my friends pointed out that all you really need to graduate Med. School is a hope, a prayer, and you try your luck with a Cracker Jack prize. He basically said that anyone willing to reach inside the Cracker Jack box could win the prize. It doesn�t matter if you graduate with a C average, or an A-, you are still a doctor.

That scares me�.


Well I tried my luck in the E.R. tonight.

They took their fare share of x-rays.

The x-ray tech. was a hottie but I don't think I was his type.

After the results came back I was told I have a severe sprain.

I won�t be walking for at least a week, but I still have to go to school and work.

I�ve got to tough this thing out!

I�ve got too much shit to do, I can�t afford to sit still!

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