- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Nov. 03, 2003
10:57 P.M.

I've been having strange dreams lately. I dream that I'm excited about getting something and then it's taken away from me just before I have to wake up to get ready for work.

The alarm clock never fails to shatter any glimpse of hope I may have had to obtaining or quenching my deepest desires.

I hate waking up in the morning and feeling frustrated.

It's no way to start the day.


I'm starting to get used to the dorky glasses.

There is just one thing that I don't understand.

I find that now that I wear glasses, I get more looks from hot guys than I did without the glasses.

Shouldn't it work the other way around?

I'm so confused.

I saw Laureen out in the mall and she made a point to stop me when I was walking by.

She sounded so excited when she said, "Wow, Kelly, I can hardly recognize you now with your dark short hair and glasses. You look fabulous! I never even knew you wore glasses."

I was shocked by her compliments.

She told me that she still sees people from high school all the time and I should consider hanging out with them one night in the near future.

I was thinking maybe Tuesday or Thursday night I may head into the old town to see some familiar faces, but I guess it all depends on my schedule.

I still haven't finished my term paper, and I haven't even started my article for the company newsletter.

I'm not dragging my feet, I've just been so distracted by shit that keeps getting in the way.


God, I'm so hungry. I'm craving something and I don't know what it is.


I went out to the grocery store and wondered around for an hour. I couldn't decide between blue berry or cherry so I ended up walking out with two pies.



Now it's time for bed again and I'm dreading the thought of waking up in the morning unrefreshed....

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