- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Tuesday, Oct. 28, 2003
8:00 P.M.

I went out to dinner with my parents again tonight. This time I drove!

On my way out of the restaurant I bumped into an old friend....

I heard him call over the edge of the 2nd floor, �Hey why doan-cha ever sit in my section anymore Kelly?�

He ran down the stairs and smiled from ear to ear.

He may be 24, but he still has the boyish charm I remember from elementary school.

�Kell, so watcha been up to? How�s life? How�s school? How�s work? How�s Jenn? I heard she was a gettin� married.�

He slammed his hand down on the table.

�Check that out!� As he pointed to his wedding finger.

There was a fat gold band embedded with diamonds.

�We�re splitting up. The bitch is leaving me! The BITCH is leaving ME!�

�Who would have ever guessed.�?

�So Kell, how are ya?�

I told him I had started a new job, and I�m almost finished with school.

�Well Kell, ya look good.�

I thought to myself, �Yeah right, I feel like ass, and I�m not even wearing any make-up. I left the house hoping I wouldn�t see anyone I knew.�

�So Kell, what�s the scoop? Where�s the party at tonight? You always know what�s going on.�

I replied, �Cory, not tonight. I have no clue what�s going down. I have work at the ass crack of dawn.�

He frowned and looked disappointed.

�Well I was thinking that we could hang out. I mean, a guy really needs his friends in times like this. I thought you would understand. You of all people should understand. You�ve been in a situation for how long now?�

HUH? What the hell is that supposed to mean. He doesn�t even pay attention to my life, and even if he does, he only knows what others are saying. He has no clue what my life is like.

What was his last comment supposed to mean?

The hostess walked up and told Cory he had 3 call tables.

He cleaned another table and started talking to me again.

�So Kell, are we going to hang out or what?�

Or what�.

I told him I had to go.

Since when does he care to catch up? The last conversation I had with him was great, but he�s never been one of my best friends. He�s always kept company with the types of creeps who like to run their mouth. He hangs with the guys who will make something up just to sound cool if they can�t make something happen on their own.

I left the restaurant and came home.

Tonight is going to be laid back!

I�m turning off the phone and signing off for the night.

I rented �The Italian Job�, with the hopes of hitting the hay early tonight with little distraction from others�.

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