- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Sunday, Oct. 12, 2003
3:03 P.M.

I am so sure that I want to move out in a few months.

I have changed my priorities once again.

I do have dreams of attending North Western to finish my degree, but right now I would settle for a college like USF because it is closer to home.

I want to finish my bachelor�s degree, but I'm willing to slow my pace down to a part time student after I finish up my Associates in December.

I know it's taken me a long time to finish my Associates, but it's been well worth the wait.

Life happens! I've come to a decision to accept it, and work just as hard to obtain the things I want even if it takes me forever and a day....

I am still inspired.

School has been going well, and I've found myself more frustrated with my living situation.

Every day I go into work and hear the guys talk about how great it is to live alone.

I start to daydream about the perfect apartment.

I think of the wood floors, my big red comfy couch, my chrome glass coffee tables, and art work on every wall.

I fantasize about taking a bath in a bathtub that is just my size, and it relaxes me just thinking about it.

I think to myself, "I want this!"

I have only decided to put my Bachelors on the back burner because I have come to a sad realization that everything I have learned in school is worth crap when it comes to the job I have settled in. Realistically I will make more money in this job I have now than I could make writting or teaching, or anything else that I had intended to do. Everything has fallen into place here and I'm going to run with it! I think this new job could teach me a thing or, TWELVE!

Another two reasons I have put my degree or certificate on the back burner is because I have already started on my bachelor's and I've recognized this deep need to be my own person and less dependant on others. This need has been constant, and it's making me nuts!

I have time to myself now, but I'd like to take some time where I am even more alone than I am right now.

I am alone in my room, I'm typing on this keyboard and listening to the television in the background. I have the television turned up loud to try to drown out the football game that my parents are watching in the living room.

If I were alone I wouldn't need to blast the television. I wouldn't have the distraction of my parents yelling and screaming over every fumble and touch down.

Then again what if I move out and I have the same exact thing going on.

I want to live on my own, but I don't want to be lonely, so I'll have to invite my friends to come over all the time.

Eventually I will start dating again.

I can picture it now.

I'll end up dating some guy who is addicted to watching football. I'll be in my room typing away on this keyboard, while he is out in my living room screaming at the television every time his favorite team makes a fumble or a touch down....

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