- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Saturday, Oct. 11, 2003
11:44 P.M.

Last night I had another string of bad dreams.

I had a dream that I was out near a beach on a causeway-watching Kitty in the ocean. He put his kayak in the water and started paddling around.

He tipped over and quickly bobbed back up out of the water. He did it again just to scare me, but I stopped playing into his stupid game.

I was on my way back to my car and I turned around to make sure he was ok, and I saw that sharks surrounded him.

He jumped out of his kayak and into the water with the sharks and said, "Look ma, NO HANDS!"

He smirked as if to try to show off and I screamed.

A huge shark came up out of the water and ate him in front of me. It was gory; it was graphic, and very disturbing.

I ran back to my car and it wouldn't start. I was stranded on a beach somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

I woke up thinking, "What the hell was that".


After that dream I fell asleep and had a dream that I was arguing with Ryan at some party.

We were at a dinner table in a house I have never seen. His mom and sister were there and a couple people from my family. He was announcing some sort of engagement.

He said he had given everything up for me and started some blah, blah, blah speech.

When he started going off on a tangent I got up and walked into the kitchen.

He came in and started yelling at me a few minutes later.

I decided to leave the party and slammed the door on my way out. I called Heidi and told her I was coming by to pick her up. We drove down towards the beach. I was so upset that I wasn't paying attention to where I was driving. The drawbridge went up and I drove off the bridge into the ocean. I opened the sunroof and we swam out. My car started sinking. We swam to some steps next to the bridge and made our way out of the water. We tried to flag down cars for help but no one could see us. It was as if we were ghosts. A large crowd gathered around my car and an emergency crew showed up shortly after.

We watched the crowd of people grow and soon came to the conclusion that we had to be dead because no one could see us.

Her mom showed up, and then another car with my mom and Ryan.

He was so upset that he jumped in the water and tried to swim into the ocean to find my car.

We sat there waiting and nothing happened.

He never came back up.

We waited and waited.

I was confused because I figured that if we were dead, he would have to be dead after staying under water for so long.

I started freaking out and crying.

A cop came up behind us and asked us what we were doing.

All of a sudden people could see us.

I started crying and acting crazy.

I woke up thinking, "What the hell was that?"

"Dammit! I'm done sleeping. This shit sucks!"


I did not spend the day working.

I woke up early and headed down to Ellenton with my parents. We went to the outlet mall to try to find some stuff for the new apartment. I don't have the apartment yet, but I want to be ready when it comes time to move out.

They bought me some casserole dishes, only after I couldn't find the dishes I had been looking for.

I'm very particular about the dishes I want.

I want something with bold colors, something heavy duty that isn't too skimpy.

After the outlet mall we made plans to grab dinner.

I told them I would meet them at Hops after I checked out the new Pier One that opened up down the street.

I ended up running into them at Pier One.

We looked around a bit and I actually found EXACTLY what I had been searching for.

I found dishes with brilliant colors of blues and reds. It was amazing!

I was so happy!

After mom and dad left the store I bought some stem wear. Each glass is unique.

I like uniqueness.

I'm probably going to go back to Target next weekend to try to find some more deep blue side dishes.


I took the time out to NOT WORK this weekend, but I feel just as drained as I do when I work.

Tomorrow I'm going to take it easy.

I'm going to try to spend most of the day in bed.


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