- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Wednesday, Oct. 08, 2003
8:53 P.M.

The halogen lamps above seemed a bit brighter tonight. The walls were bright white. They were so bright I couldn't think straight.

I had the same problem when I was taking my biology exam earlier today.

I kept squinting my eyes but it only made my migraine pound worse.

My head fell to my crossed arms on my desk and I sighed an over dramatic sigh.

I picked up my head only to realize that I had sighed out loud.

The teacher looked over in my direction and asked, "Ok class, are there any more questions before I pass out the exam? I promise you, this one won't be as bad as the last one."

I thought to myself, "Well I didn't do so bad last time, maybe I have a chance of acing this one?"

Well I would have had a chance to ace the test if he didn't put that damn slope intercept shit on the test.

I hate that shit.

I study it, and just when I think it makes sense, I check my work and it's usually wrong.


He passed out the exams and picked up the homework for the past few weeks. This is the first instructor I've had in college who bothers to check the homework.


I didn't finish the 3rd assignment. I meant to finish it...

Ok, maybe I would rather chew my own toes off.

I'd rather sit in an ant pile than finish that crap.

I could duck out now; maybe I could tell him I'm too sick to take the test.

My dog ate my homework.


I sat there in class starring at my mid-term exam.

So many thoughts ran through my mind at a million miles per second.

"The numbers didn't make any sense before, why would it click now?

What the hell are Roman numerals used for anyway?

Oh yeah, the SUPERBOWL! CRAP!

Why the fuck is 50% of the test about Roman numbers?

When did we cover this shit?... Roman numbers must have been in that last chapter I didn't turn in with the rest of my homework?

This is a waste of my time!


My instructor leaned over my shoulder, "Is there a problem miss Kelly?"

I just starred off into the oblivion.

He pointed at the paper on my desk.

"Ok, these Roman numerals are tricky. If they are in order THIS way, (He pointed to the test), they are added, and if they are in the opposite order you need to subtract. Remember? From your homework."

Ok, it clicked. It really clicked! I never expected this shit to click but it did!

I got to the next section, and it was cake, then another section, it was pie.

Wow, cake and pie! Cake and pie in the same night!

Wooo weee!

I got through to the end of the test and took a deep breath....

There were only two references to slope intercept on the test.

SAVED! Saved by those damn "ROMAN'S!"

Two aced tests in one day!

I should suck it up now because it only gets more complicated from here.

I looked at the syllabus tonight and next week we're going to be doing more stuff I tried to avoid by NOT taking another algebra coarse!

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