- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Saturday, Sept. 20, 2003
2:14 A.M.

Last summer I took a few trips. I traveled quite a bit.

I found clarity in Colorado. The moment I stepped off the plane I fell in love.

The most memorable thank you card I have ever received came on a blank card filled with written text from a man who could be a total stranger. A stranger who inspired me, a stranger from Colorado.

I guess it was the best Thank You Card, partly because it was unexpected.

I had sent Ben a Ben Folds shirt from the concert knowing that he was absolutely obsessed with Ben Folds.

He wrote me a thank you card expressing his gratitude.

If I were to pick up the card and read it right now, I would still manage to smile.

His words are always so sincere and never forced. Maybe that is why we connected so well?

I wish I could say the same about other acquaintances I have met along the way.

Back to the letter, it was amazing! In closing to his letter he wrote a nice message that made me smile.

He said that if I made it out to the city, he would make it worth my while.

Well, I�m meeting him for lunch. Just lunch. I�m so excited. I haven�t seen him since the aquard good bye in Colorado.

It was such a goodbye I had found one of my most difficult.

The fact that parting was so difficult caught me off guard. I couldn�t explain what I had felt those few days in Colorado, and I may never be able to do so. I only know that I have only felt such a strong connection from the start with only a few people.

I�m somewhat nervous, as this lunch meeting has become the highlight of my business trip.

Ben is Ben.

Ben knows Ben best, and he inspired me to want to know more about Ben.

Ben will always be Ben.

He will always be around Ben.

He will enjoy the things that I only had a taste of.

And I�.

I am still lost.

I�m no better than I was the moment I had left Colorado.

I am inspired, but a million miles away, making it harder to be the friend I had promised to be last summer.

I'm so happy that I will have a chance to meet up with Ben. I'm going to bring my camera to take another picture that says a thousand words! (Nothing like "the money shot"). Man, I can�t wait to see him again!

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