- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Friday, Sept. 19, 2003
8:59 P.M.

"Kelly, make sure you keep an eye on the kids. I left town last weekend and Steve was in charge of the kids. You would never believe what happened. I came home and there was bleech on the carpet."


"Yes, bleech."


"Well the kids were rough-housing, and running all around the house with cups in their hands. They ran up the stairs and spilled red kool-aide all over the carpet. Steve came in and saw it and freaked out. He poured bleech on the stains hoping to fix it. Now there are white stains all over the carpet."

Wow, that's rough.

"Yeah, and don't let them out of your site. Last weekend the kids went nuts. I don't know what was wrong with them?"

Steve walked in and said, "Are you telling her about the kids? They were crazy. You would think that gatoraide had something added to it. I swear, I've never seen anything like it. You would think the gatoraide was liquid crack!"

I laughed.

Liquid crack....


"Yeah, they were all running around crazy and then it got quiet all of a sudden. It was quiet because they were up to no good."

I smiled and watched the kids run through the kitchen. Chloe ran up, "Are we ordering pizza? Can Kelly order bread sticks?"

Steve looked up at me and said, "Well, it looks like you're going to be ordering pizza."

The kids ran outside to play and Steve continued with his story.

"The kids were crazy! Crazy!"

Amy chimmed in, "Did Steve mention how the kids tried to flush a pillow down the toilet?"

He smiled and said, "I was just getting to that part. Ok, so I went up stairs to see what they were up to and these kids were all gathered around the toilet. When I walked into the bathroom they were all wearing a guilty face that gave it away. It was one of those faces that says, "Ut-Oh, we've been caught!"".

Amy smiled and said, "All of this happened while I was out of town. It was the girls who caused most of the problems. They tried to dump any liquid they could find into Logan's underwear drawer. I don't even know where they come up with these ideas."

I couldn't help laughing. She was serious, and I was laughing.

I have seen them do some funny things, but nothing like what their parents had described....

I consider myself lucky!


So far, so good.....

The kids were pretty good for me tonight.

The kids are in bed, and I have a few hours to kill before their parents come home...

I should go study....

I WILL go study.


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