- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Thursday, Aug. 14, 2003
10:58 P.M.

There were no more Mickey Mouse sightings tonight.



Tonight went well.

I got out of there as planned.


What am I saying?

Tonight was shit! But it didn't matter.

Saved again by an angel!

I have found myself some eye candy for distraction.

A sweet Angel to dance with in my day dreams.

Yes, he can dance! I'm not just dreaming this one up. He dances, and he dances well!

I saw him dance with Maureen and he was so cute.

I smack my forehead, and then shake my head, silently thinking, "Language barriers, language barriers, language barriers!

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

Shake it off...."

Ok, maybe I can't SHAKE it off. I'm just giving myself another migraine, but I could at least try to WALK it off. I must have walked at least 75 laps around that place tonight!

I had one table tonight that was a major bear. I wanted to shoot one of the guys in the face with a bazooka!

He was fucking nuts!

He came in and sat with a party of about 5 people and he was rather demanding.




Now! NOW! NOW!

Well fuck him!

I decided that since he was going to be such a dick anyway, I would spend a little more time with my tables that paid me a little more respect.

One woman actually tipped me 24 bux on a 40-dollar order.

Go granny, go!

You go on with your bad self!

She was great, and so friendly all night. I didn't expect to get but maybe ten percent from her because usually the seniors don't like to tip very well in that restaurant.


The night is finally over! I am home, showered, and ready to crash!

I'm hoping that it doesn't rain tomorrow. I'd like to hit the beach.

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