- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Monday, Aug. 04, 2003
5:39 P.M.

It�s all coming back to me now.

I remember how it feels to be looked at like I�m walking around town with two heads propped up on my shoulders.

I went up to the beach bar for some snacks and noticed that I was getting strange looks from everyone.

The guy working in the shop looked at me as if I had been blessed with 6 titts.

Unfortunately, the old woman looked at me as if she were thinking the same thing. She sneered, turned up her nose, she huffed and she puffed and walked off.

The most uncomfortable jesters came from a mother of two little girls.

The girls couldn�t have been more than 7 years old.

It all started when one of the little girls ran up to me and smiled. She ran back to her sister and pointed in my direction. They both entertained a facial expression as if they were inspired. I wondered what the little girl had said. When their mother noticed them pointing in my direction she looked up and smiled.

Just then I heard the little girl announce that she wanted to put a diamond in her belly button.

I laughed quietly and turned my head away.

When I glanced back over I saw the older woman take strong hold of her daughters and she guided them in the opposite direction. She gave me a dirty look and shook her head in disapproval.

What the hell? What is so wrong with piercings or tattoos?

Am I ignorant because I don�t see the harm that they cause? Why are tattoos shunned? Am I really ridiculous to believe that there is nothing wrong with having your naval pierced?

I�m normally covered pretty well. I�ve thrown out the hoochie attire long ago.

It�s not like I�m out there advertising that I have piercings or tattoos, I just don�t understand why they are so bad.

As the woman was walking off with her daughters she turned around to sneer in my direction one last time.

I don�t know what came over me when I stuck my tongue out at her as if to say, �well fuck you too!�

I wish I had the guts to sneer back at ignorant, over protective, parents more often.

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