- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Wednesday, Jul. 30, 2003
11:14 P.M.

Today was productive to say the least...

I woke up late and met Brad at the tattoo parlor.

Last night Brad mentioned that he wanted to get pierced and that he had a coupon for a discount at a place in Palm Harbor.

Palm Harbor! I live near there!

So I told him I would meet him up there and we could hang out for an hour or so until he had to go to work.

When I got there he was trying to decide exactly where to put the barbell that they were going to stick in his chin.


I went in and watched them poke a hole in his chin. There was no blood or gore; it was actually very quick and almost painless.

The only issue he has with the new piercing is when he tries to eat. The back of the post gets caught on his teeth, which puts pressure on the ball on the other side.

After he was finished the guy working there asked what I was going to pierce.

"Not here to get pierced. I just came to watch."

Oh, c'mon.....

Then Brad said it would be discounted...

I thought long and hard for all of 20 seconds.

"Ok, fine. Stick me!"

I told him I had my naval pierced a while back but it was too shallow so I had to take it out.

We resituated the spot to be pierced and he recommended using a barbell instead of a hoop for quicker healing purposes.

I agreed and picked out a stud.

It was quick and painless. The only thing I really felt was the pressure from the needle's initial penetration.

So far so good.

It seems to be healing up quite nicely.

I remember talking to Ian a while back. He told me that tattoos and piercings were his addiction. He loved the rush he felt during the whole process.

It was a rush. It was a good rush.

The whole thing was spontaneous, and it was great!

I couldn't have spent 50 bucks any better on a whim.

I love doing things on a whim.

That is MY addiction.

I am addicted to spontaneity!


When I came home I met up with my parents and we went to Fridays for dinner where I was forced to reconcile my differences with Ryan.

We got there and my mom asked why I don't talk to Ryan anymore. I looked up at the bar and saw that Ryan had probably read her lips waiting for my response. I ignored him at first and finished my meal without addressing the situation

After I ate I ignored the urge to go up and punch him. Instead, I bit my lip. I smiled and said hello.

He said he felt really weird after we had seen each other at the gas station.

Sure it was weird, I was pissed.

I'm not sure I'm ready to forgive him.

He basically apologized and I tried to accept.

Now that he's living across the street he wants to hang out in the future, but I'm still not too sure about that.

The conversation lagged, and I told him I would still be pretty busy.

I'll be working and going to school full time next semester, and I won't have a lot of free time. The free time I have he will probably be working, so us hanging out won't work for me.

Sure he lives close by now, but I've got laundry to do, and a sock drawer to rearrange alphabetically by color.



I saw Jen at Fridays. She was eating with her parents and celebrating her 25th birthday. I mentioned that I'd like to take her out to dessert and she accepted. We went up to the mall and I took her in to meet the people I work with. I got her a chocolate cake and we caught up on lost time.

I gave up my shift tomorrow night to Jason because he said he really needed the money.

I need the money but I feel more useful giving the money to someone who actually had the guts to ask me for my shift. I figure Jason must really be hurting for money if he's asking for extra shifts.


I'm home now and totally drained.

Time to shower and hit the hay...

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