- - Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2008
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
I Need Your Email Address... - Thursday, Jun. 07, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007
What Is It?... - Tuesday, May. 08, 2007

Friday, Jul. 25, 2003
9:41 P.M.

I think I've officially called everyone in my phone book.

I wanted to go out and do something tonight but everyone else already has plans.

Could this be boredom?

This stinks.

What good is a day off if you have to spend it alone?

It was great to talk to some people I hadn't heard from in a while.

Shawn finally returned my calls from a few months ago. I was sitting down to dinner when he called.

He said he spent a few weeks in Europe and he's got the amazing pictures to prove it. He saw England, Italy, France and so much more. He's found new inspiration for his architectural studies.

He sounds like he's been pretty busy since he's come back to town. He has school early in the morning tomorrow. Wow, School on Saturday? I would have stopped by to see the photos he took but he already has plans with some friends.

I started to think I'd never hear from Shawn again after I broke things off. I know he said that he wanted to stay friends, but I say that sometimes when I don't mean it just to be nice. I don't even remember why I broke things off? Probably the same reason I always break things off. Guys don�t exactly have to do anything WRONG. I just get tired of feeling like I'm obligated to do anything. I stop WANTING to do things, and I start feeling like I HAVE to do things. It turns into a vicious cycle and who ever I'm dating eventually turns into a royal pain in the ass.

Well Shawn is almost finished with school. I'm not sure what he'll do when he's finished but he's getting closer every day. He'll probably finish his masters before I get my bachelors degree.


Deep breath..... Smile, because

Life is good.....and I'm going back to school again....

I like this neighborhood just fine, but it seems that each time seasons change, and I go back to school, my college friends seem to get younger every year....

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